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Ideal for:

Hospitals/Large Healthcare

Quality Improvement Auditing & Reporting Software

Digital collection tools for audits, observations, rounding, survey collection, and more.

We know many of our members wear multiple hats and it’s often difficult to get everything completed. By streamlining processes, the Qualaris platform helps you save time and accelerate your quality initiatives. The platform provides real-time data, and is easy-to-use via any device connected to the internet.

WHA partners with Qualaris to provide members with an affordable, easy-to-use auditing and reporting software for quality improvement, infection prevention, and patient safety. Qualaris understands rural and Critical Access Hospitals and is well-suited to help WHA members streamline paper and spreadsheet audits.

Qualaris can help with hand hygiene, fall prevention, leader rounding, and regulatory compliance!

Download the Brochure

Collect Your Process Data

Templated or Fully Custom Collection Tools

Use prebuilt templates or create your own.

Collect Data on Any Device

Collect real-time observations on the go or translate old paper audits from your desk.

Rich Data Collection Forms

Checklists, unit lists, timestamps, free text fields, conditional logic, and more are all supported.

View & Distribute Collected Data

Real-time Dashboards

Use up-to-date exportable dashboards to understand your collected data at the individual unit or house-wide level.

Email-based Reports

Configure periodic reports that can be auto emailed with data on your initiatives.

Explore Your Data

Slice and dice results and create custom visualizations to answer targeted questions.

Expand Your Usage

Unlimited Users

Invite as many staff members as you want.

Unlimited Quick-to-Start Toolkits

It is easy to spin up and spin down projects as priorities change.

  • To organize auditing and quality improvement projects, and to increase efficiency
  • Leapfrog Hospital Survey – an excellent hand hygiene auditing tool to help meet the standards for hand hygiene observations
  • Additional audits related to Leapfrog including barcode medication administration, medication reconciliation, and audits around opioid prescribing
  • Documentation of all performance improvement projects, and progress on Hospital Transformation Program interventions features a Practice Exchange with educational webinars, videos, blog, toolkits, case studies, and more to help you improve your processes and outcomes.

Education & Resources


Daniel Bishop
CEO, Co-Founder, Qualaris